Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mangroves in our daily lives

The mangroves are often thought of as a place that is muddy, smelly and full of mosquitoes, snakes and crocodiles. This could not be more wrong! The mangroves are very important to us because these forests have provided us with food, products and even protection from natural disasters! Below are a few uses of the mangroves:

1. Natural coastal protection
Mangroves forests prevent soil erosion along the coast. Roots of mangroves trees hold the soil together thus helping to prevent soil loss. The mangrove act as an natural buffers against strong winds and waves, providing us with protection from natural forces like storms and tsunamis.

2. Nursery for young fish, crab and prawns
The tangled mass of above ground roots and branches provides hiding places for the young organisms, sheltering them from predators and natural forces. The soils and water in the mangroves provides abundant food for them to feed and grow.

3. Useful products from the mangroves
Is charcoal and firewood.

4. Delicious foods from the mangroves
Crab and Attap Chee.

Mangrove Conservation in Singapore
In land scarce Singapore, this big patch of land at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve could be used to build an integrated resort or even a F1 race track. However, it has been set aside as a nature reserve.

5 reasons why Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is worth protecting:
1. Education
2. Recreation
3. Research
4. Eco-tourism
5. Mantain Bio diversity

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